Buyer Negotiations by Our Experts

Does negotiation scare you or make you uncomfortable? Are you concerned your skills or inexperience could result in a lower sale price?
Put your mind to rest; we’re here to help.

Our expert negotiators can give you the upper hand when dealing with buyers, helping you to achieve the best possible outcome.

Our negotiators are experienced, licensed agents. They have been handling negotiations for many years.

The negotiator will factor in your goals, settlement terms, conditions, inclusions, and timeframe. They’ll perform up to four negotiations for you upon request or simply be your wingman if you’d like to take greater control.

Our agents are ready to support you!

Did you know PropertyNow can list your property on all the major real estate websites, and give you all the real estate support you need to sell your own home and help you save thousands in agent commissions? You do now!

Contact the PropertyNow team to learn how easy it is to sell your home without an agent:

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