Will a For Sale Sign Help Your House Sell Faster?
If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering whether or not you should have a For Sale sign. We’ll save you some time and answer that real quick – yes. You absolutely, categorically should have a For Sale sign if you’re selling your property.
- Reason number 1: Your neighbours. Your neighbours probably aren’t checking realestate.com.au every day, but they’ll certainly notice a sign in your yard, and are likely to mention it to others. You may even be lucky enough to have a neighbour with friends or loved ones wanting to move closer to them.
- Reason number 2: Extra exposure. Consider this scenario. Your buyer has been searching on realestate.com.au in the general area, but not under your specific suburb and they haven’t found your home for sale. Lucky you’ve got a For Sale sign up! One of their friends sees it on their way to work and lets them know. Whichever way you look at it, having a sign up means more people will know your property is for sale, and increases the chances of it being sold successfully.
- Reason number 3: To help a buyer out. Many buyers do a drive-by before booking an inspection. You don’t want them struggling to find your property, or thinking it’s gone off the market. Signs also make it easy for buyers to contact you because they can take down your number and call straight away.
- Reason number 4: Signs are extremely cost-effective. Most professional signs will last until your property is sold. Given there isn’t any ongoing costs, it’s hard to understand why anyone would choose not to use what real estate agents often call the “silent salesman.”
- Reason number 5: A good For Sale sign shows you’re serious. Anyone can post a Gumtree listing or a classified ad. And buyers can occasionally have qualms about private sales. Having a professional sign up confirms to everyone that the property is legitimately for sale and professional services have been engaged to market it.
So, in a nutshell, having a For Sale sign is cost-effective, makes it easier for buyers to reach you, and means more people will see and talk about your sale.
The bottom line is not having a For Sale sign means you’re probably missing out on buyers. And nobody can afford that.
Got questions about what kind of sign you should have, where to source it and how much it will cost. We’ve got answers! Check our informative guide here today.