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Bill – Inglewood, SA


The experience left me more confident in my ability and decision making.

Bill H, just sold with PropertyNow in Inglewood, WA. We asked him about the process and here’s what he had to say.

We’re thrilled to be bringing you another interview with a happy seller as part of our ‘success stories’ series where we speak with owners who are in the process of selling and those that have recently sold.  Hear all about Bill’s PropertyNow experience below.

Q: What services did Property Now provide, that assisted you most?

“The services out of everything that helped the most for the sale of our property, was getting the word out online and having access to the internet property sites. I never wanted “hundreds” to turn up every open house. I wanted people that were interested in the property and not “tyre kickers”. I’m not 100% sure how many open houses we had, however every single open house that we hosted, we had prospective buyers turn up.”

Q: If you could go back in time and give yourself some advice before selling your own home, what would it be?

“Relax and believe in yourself. We had a solid idea of what we believed the property to be worth, we stuck to our guns, remained patient and achieved the result we were after.”

Q: What was your favourite part about selling with PropertyNow? 

“The freedom to choose how and when we wanted to present our property. Not feeling under any pressure from anyone to do this or that, whilst having the backup of quality advice upon request.”

Q: What do you plan to do now that you’ve sold, how will the sale benefit you?

“For myself, almost 62 years old, setting myself up for retirement. Along with the other four beneficiaries from mum’s will.”

Q: When you sold your property yourself, how did it feel? Was it empowering?

“Relief, self-belief. Mum worked hard to put herself in the position to leave us with something worthwhile. I feel that we gave her a result that she would have been happy with. The experience left me more confident in my ability and decision making.

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